High Achievers Aim High (HAAH) offers a number of Youth Empowerment Programs including our Annual Summer Academic Enrichment Program, Anti-Bullying/Peer Mediation Training, Elementary S.T.E.M., Career/College Prep, Tutoring and Mentoring.
Did you know that CINCINNATI is the 5th city in the US for childhood poverty?
Did you also know that the psychologist Maslow says that before a person even be MOTIVATED to reach their full potential, they must have their basic and psychological needs met?
That's why we started HAAH. We noticed that MINORITY children rarely ACHIEVE at their fullest potential because they rarely have EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES . We AIM HIGH to help provide those opportunities to have their basic and psychological needs met, so it'll be easier to focus on achieving their fullest potential.
All of our founders and board members are college educated, minority women; some mothers, some teachers, and some are CPS products. That's what puts us over other youth organizations. We look like the kids we service, we grew up similar to the kids we service, and we are raising kids like the ones we service so we have a true passion for NURTURING the WHOLE CHILD.
We're partnered with organizations like Whole Again Foods to provide children with healthy but tasty meals, The Village to provide a comfortable and safe place away from home and school, Clark Montessori to provide peer mediators and community building. We also partner with professionals and business owners to provide mentorship & internships. In all, our goal is to EMPOWER minority children, and to help them achieve their fullest potential!